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Lo que necesitas saber, Hood River: temporada de incendios forestales

Preparación para la temporada de incendios: ¡PREPÁRESE GORGE!
Burn Ban

As of June 11, 2023, all Hood River County Fire Agencies have entered into a total burn ban due to extremely dry conditions. Backyard debris burning, use of tracer ammunition, or exploding targets.


In addition, all lands protected by the Central Oregon Forest Protection District, and all forestland within one-eighth mile are in regulated closure.


This means that in these areas:

  • Smoking is prohibited while traveling, except in vehicles on improved roads.

  • Open fires are prohibited, including campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires and warming fires, except in designated areas. Portable cooking stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels are allowed. 

  • Chainsaw use is prohibited, between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Chainsaw use is permitted at all other hours, if the following firefighting equipment is present with each operating saw: one axe, one shovel, and one operational 8 ounce or larger fire extinguisher. In addition, a fire watch is required at least one hour following the use of each saw.

  • Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is prohibited between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. At all other times the area is to be cleared of flammable vegetation and the following fire equipment is required: one axe, one shovel, and one operational 2 1⁄2 pound or larger fire extinguisher in good working order.

  • Use of motor vehicles, including motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, is prohibited, except on improved roads and except for vehicle use by a landowner and employees of the landowner upon their own land while conducting activities associated with their livelihood.

  • Possession of the following firefighting equipment is required while traveling in a motorized vehicle, except on federal and state highways, county roads and driveways: one shovel and one gallon of water or one operational 21⁄2 pound or larger fire extinguisher, except all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles which must be equipped with an approved spark arrestor in good working condition.

  • Mowing of dried grass with power driven equipment is prohibited, between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., except for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural crops. The use of battery or electric powered string trimmers are exempt from this requirement.

  • Use of fireworks is prohibited.

  • Blasting is prohibited.


Be Firewise -
prepare your home for fire season
defensible space around you home
and preparedness tips
in spanish
psps (non emergency)
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possible during extreme weatheR
across hood river and mosier
BPA summer season power outages possible
due to psps (power outages
during fire risk weather)
Hood River COunty bans fireworks
also Cities of Hood RIver and Cascade Locks
and wasco county

Preparing your home
for wildfire season

in english - safety measures
in spanish - here

power outage tips
from oregon puc
(public utility commission)

car kit emergency supplies evacuation list Eng-Spanish HR Emergency Management Ad.jpg


Evacuación de nivel 1   significa "ESTAR EN ALERTA" para una posible evacuación.

Los residentes deben ser conscientes del peligro que existe en su área, monitorear los sitios web de servicios de emergencia y los medios de comunicación locales para obtener información. Este es el momento de preparación y movimiento preventivo de personas con necesidades especiales, propiedad móvil, mascotas y ganado. Si las condiciones empeoran, El personal de los servicios de emergencia puede comunicarse con usted a través de notificaciones de ALERTA CIUDADANA.


Evacuación de nivel 2 significa "ESTAR LISTOS" para evacuar.

Debe estar listo para partir en cualquier momento, ya que este nivel indica que existe un peligro significativo en su área, y los residentes deben reubicarse voluntariamente en un refugio o con familiares / amigos fuera del área afectada. Los residentes pueden tener tiempo para recolectar los artículos necesarios, pero hacerlo es bajo su propio riesgo.


Evacuación de nivel 3 significa “VAMOS” evacuar AHORA - vayase de inmediato!

El peligro en su área es actual o inminente y debe evacuar de inmediato. Si opta por ignorar este aviso, debe comprender que es posible que los servicios de emergencia no estén disponibles para brindarle más ayuda. NO retrase la salida para recoger sus pertenencias o hacer esfuerzos para proteger su hogar. Si evacua, lleve su GO KIT (suministros de emergencia), cierre con llave su casa y elija una ruta lejos del peligro de incendio. Esté atento a los cambios en la velocidad y dirección del fuego y el humo. Dile a alguien cuándo te fuiste y adónde vas.

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